Aomine gentle reader fanfiction
Aomine gentle reader fanfiction

The thing he was holding wasn’t a bottle for medication, at the same time a little longer and solid and had a curved point. He grabbed the small cylinder-shaped item and pulled it out. His eyes caught a glimpse of a yellow hue under a bunch of loose sticky notes and he quickly went to get it. It was the standard bottle to have medication in, so it was likely that you had it in it as well. Pushing past the trinkets and lose sticky notes he tried to find a transparent yellow bottle. Sliding it open he began to rummage through the items in it. His mother kept her pills in her bedside table, so he assumed you did the same. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t alone in a room with a paranoid schizophrenic. He was going to find your pills and see what the problem was. Once your footsteps had faded far enough, he got up from his seat and ran to your bedside table. He watched you leave, paying close attention as you exited the room and made your way down your hall.

aomine gentle reader fanfiction

“I’m getting a glass of water,” you announced before pushing your chair back and getting up and leaving. You had a pretty voice, even when yelling. He froze up when he heard you raise your voice. And it’s big enough to distract you that much-” “IT’S NOTHING!”Īomine had never heard your voice go above barely audible, even when you were explaining his homework he had a hard time hearing you. “Okay, what kind of side effects does it cause? Let’s work it out so you can get back to tutoring me,” “Just hormone stabilizers,” you said as your hand reached out to get a pencil from the far end of your table. “What kind of medication?” “Why do you need-” “Because it’s fucking up my grades. That was the most family-friendly way you could put the situation.

aomine gentle reader fanfiction

“I’ve just been on this new medication and the side effects distract me,” You replied back trying to laugh off the situation. He deserved to know your situation since it was affecting him a lot, you thought. “Did Momoi stop paying you or something?” He asked, his voice hostile than before. His eyes burned holes into yours as you struggled to find the right words to say. Your head snapped your head up, turning your head to the side to meet Aomines stare. Not only were you fucking up his social life, but his potential future as well. The train home was long enough, and he would come home too tired to do anything and just end up sleeping.

aomine gentle reader fanfiction

Though he would have a regular roaster of girls he would take his sexual frustration out on which led him to have his cool demeanour, he had nothing to take his frustration out on when he was stuck doing extra homework for almost 2 hours. He could be out doing so much more - like the cute girl from math. He hated spending his after-hours doing more school work. The fact that he was sitting so close next to you - the rather small chair propped down next to your study chair as he sat an inch away from you - made it worse. He assumed that you were examining the work - but then he realized that it was a blank piece of paper. You both had been sitting at your desk for 10 minutes and the entire time you were zoned out looking at the sheet in front of him blankly. He needed to maintain a level of grades to keep his spot on the basketball team, and your sudden lack of tutoring wasn’t helping. He figured you wanted him out of your house As soon as possible and didn’t bring it up but then his grades started to suffer. You used to call him out for any tiny mistake, making him correct it and explain to him why what he did was wrong, whereas now you would ignore the mistakes and try to end the session as quickly as possible. You had decided to Tutor a friend of a friend’s after school - which was fine before the pills - now all you could think about was how the vibrator in your drawers would fell when you had the room to yourself.Īomine wasn’t one for caring about others, but he noticed the shift in your behaviour. The biggest thing to take a hit was your tutoring sessions. Not a second went by where you didn’t try to brush the heat rising up your body to the back of your mind and continue the task at hand.

aomine gentle reader fanfiction

And your lack of releases only built up the pressure inside you. The boost of estrogen running wild in your body spiked your libido up to a concerning level. Never in your life did you think you’d get the one that makes me horny 24/7. He stated there was a wide range of side effects, and you were bound to get a few. Which led you to have fucked up periods, which prompted a trip to the doctors who prescribed you pills to help regulate your hormones. You were growing, your body was still developing hormonally - a little imbalance is bound to happen. The doctor said it was normal for girls your age to have irregular periods, it happened all the time.

Aomine gentle reader fanfiction